Until we have better search and reporting facilities for remote resources, please login and use their search facilities.
Some example searches at GitHub:
- Open pull requests for all repositories
- Pull requests not yet reviewed for all repositories
- Each developer also has their own area at GitHub for “Review requests” that they have been asked to do. Please ensure that yours is clean.
- Search Markdown documents in all repositories for term: RMB
- Search Markdown documents in stripes for term: smart component
Refer to specific GitHub search help.
Some example searches at FOLIO Wiki:
- All updates within the last week
- Calendars
- Technical Council (TC) for phrase: “technical council”
- entity management BIBFRAME for any words: entity management BIBFRAME
- entity management BIBFRAME for all words: entity AND management AND BIBFRAME
- MARC/SRS for boolean and phrase: MARC AND SRS AND “source record”
- Constrain search to the Individual Apps: Information, Tips, and Tricks area for words: source record storage or for phrase: “source record storage”
Refer to specific Confluence search help.
FOLIO Issue Tracker
See assistance with filters and search.
Refer to specific Jira search help.
FOLIO search apps
Other notes about Search facilities in the “FOLIO” apps:
- FOLIOtips/Searching has notes about search indexes, and example CQL syntax search queries.
- Proposal: full-text search with Elastic.